Let's the path of XML file is C:\hello.xml
string strXmlPath="C:\hello.xml";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
return ds.Tables[0];
above method will return table[0] of ds
string strXmlPath="C:\hello.xml";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
return ds.Tables[0];
above method will return table[0] of ds
basic sql loader comments----
load data infile 'c:\data\mydata.csv' into table emp fields terminated by "," optionally enclosed by '"' ( empno, empname, sal, deptno )
Loading delimited (variable length) dataIn the first example we will show how delimited (variable length) data can be loaded into Oracle:LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE load_delimited_data FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( data1, data2 ) BEGINDATA 11111,AAAAAAAAAA 22222,"A,B,C,D,"NOTE: The default data type in SQL*Loader is CHAR(255). To load character fields longer than 255 characters, code the type and length in your control file. By doing this, Oracle will allocate a big enough buffer to hold the entire column, thus eliminating potential "Field in data file exceeds maximum length" errors. Example:... resume char(4000), ...Loading positional (fixed length) dataIf you need to load positional data (fixed length), look at the following control file example:LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE load_positional_data ( data1 POSITION(1:5), data2 POSITION(6:15) ) BEGINDATA 11111AAAAAAAAAA 22222BBBBBBBBBBFor example, position(01:05) will give the 1st to the 5th character (11111 and 22222).Can one modify data as the database gets loaded?
Data can be modified as it loads into the Oracle Database. One can also populate columns with static or derived values. However, this only applies for the conventional load path (and not for direct path loads). Here are some examples:LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE modified_data ( rec_no "my_db_sequence.nextval", region CONSTANT '31', time_loaded "to_char(SYSDATE, 'HH24:MI')", data1 POSITION(1:5) ":data1/100", data2 POSITION(6:15) "upper(:data2)", data3 POSITION(16:22)"to_date(:data3, 'YYMMDD')" ) BEGINDATA 11111AAAAAAAAAA991201 22222BBBBBBBBBB990112LOAD DATA INFILE 'mail_orders.txt' BADFILE 'bad_orders.txt' APPEND INTO TABLE mailing_list FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," ( addr, city, state, zipcode, mailing_addr "decode(:mailing_addr, null, :addr, :mailing_addr)", mailing_city "decode(:mailing_city, null, :city, :mailing_city)", mailing_state, move_date "substr(:move_date, 3, 2) || substr(:move_date, 7, 2)" )[edit]Can one load data from multiple files/ into multiple tables at once?
Loading from multiple input filesOne can load from multiple input files provided they use the same record format by repeating the INFILE clause. Here is an example:LOAD DATA INFILE file1.dat INFILE file2.dat INFILE file3.dat APPEND INTO TABLE emp ( empno POSITION(1:4) INTEGER EXTERNAL, ename POSITION(6:15) CHAR, deptno POSITION(17:18) CHAR, mgr POSITION(20:23) INTEGER EXTERNAL )Loading into multiple tablesOne can also specify multiple "INTO TABLE" clauses in the SQL*Loader control file to load into multiple tables. Look at the following example:LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE tab1 WHEN tab = 'tab1' ( tab FILLER CHAR(4), col1 INTEGER ) INTO TABLE tab2 WHEN tab = 'tab2' ( tab FILLER POSITION(1:4), col1 INTEGER ) BEGINDATA tab1|1 tab1|2 tab2|2 tab3|3The "tab" field is marked as a FILLER as we don't want to load it.Note the use of "POSITION" on the second routing value (tab = 'tab2'). By default field scanning doesn't start over from the beginning of the record for new INTO TABLE clauses. Instead, scanning continues where it left off. POSITION is needed to reset the pointer to the beginning of the record again. In delimited formats, use "POSITION(1)" after the first column to reset the pointer.Another example:LOAD DATA INFILE 'mydata.dat' REPLACE INTO TABLE emp WHEN empno != ' ' ( empno POSITION(1:4) INTEGER EXTERNAL, ename POSITION(6:15) CHAR, deptno POSITION(17:18) CHAR, mgr POSITION(20:23) INTEGER EXTERNAL ) INTO TABLE proj WHEN projno != ' ' ( projno POSITION(25:27) INTEGER EXTERNAL, empno POSITION(1:4) INTEGER EXTERNAL )[edit]Can one selectively load only the records that one needs?
Look at this example, (01) is the first character, (30:37) are characters 30 to 37:LOAD DATA INFILE 'mydata.dat' BADFILE 'mydata.bad' DISCARDFILE 'mydata.dis' APPEND INTO TABLE my_selective_table WHEN (01) <> 'H' and (01) <> 'T' and (30:37) = '20031217' ( region CONSTANT '31', service_key POSITION(01:11) INTEGER EXTERNAL, call_b_no POSITION(12:29) CHAR )NOTE: SQL*Loader does not allow the use of OR in the WHEN clause. You can only use AND as in the example above! To workaround this problem, code multiple "INTO TABLE ... WHEN" clauses. Here is an example:LOAD DATA INFILE 'mydata.dat' BADFILE 'mydata.bad' DISCARDFILE 'mydata.dis' APPEND INTO TABLE my_selective_table WHEN (01) <> 'H' and (01) <> 'T' ( region CONSTANT '31', service_key POSITION(01:11) INTEGER EXTERNAL, call_b_no POSITION(12:29) CHAR ) INTO TABLE my_selective_table WHEN (30:37) = '20031217' ( region CONSTANT '31', service_key POSITION(01:11) INTEGER EXTERNAL, call_b_no POSITION(12:29) CHAR )[edit]Can one skip certain columns while loading data?
One cannot use POSITION(x:y) with delimited data. Luckily, from Oracle 8i one can specify FILLER columns. FILLER columns are used to skip columns/fields in the load file, ignoring fields that one does not want. Look at this example:LOAD DATA TRUNCATE INTO TABLE T1 FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ( field1, field2 FILLER, field3 )BOUNDFILLER (available with Oracle 9i and above) can be used if the skipped column's value will be required later again. Here is an example:LOAD DATA INFILE * TRUNCATE INTO TABLE sometable FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," trailing nullcols ( c1, field2 BOUNDFILLER, field3 BOUNDFILLER, field4 BOUNDFILLER, field5 BOUNDFILLER, c2 ":field2 || :field3", c3 ":field4 + :field5" )[edit]How does one load multi-line records?
One can create one logical record from multiple physical records using one of the following two clauses:
load data infile "test.dat" "str '|\n'" into test_table fields terminated by ';' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( desc, txt )
one line;hello dear world;| two lines;Dear world, hello!;|
var map;
function initialize() {
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center: latlng,
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var marker = new google.maps.Marker
position: new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644),
map: map,
title: 'Click me'
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: 'Location info:
Country Name:
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () {
// Calling the open method of the infoWindow
infowindow.open(map, marker);
window.onload = initialize;